biographie de Harold F. WESTON (1894-1972)

Birth place: Merion, PA

Death place: Alexandria, VA?

Addresses: Alexandria, VA; New York 14, NY; St. Hubert's, NY (1920-on)

Profession: Painter

Studied: Harvard Univ. (B.F.A., 1916)

Exhibited: Montross Gal., NYC, 1920s; Salons of Am., 1923, 1930, 1932, 1934; PAFA Ann., 1923-53; WMAA, 1926, 1932, 1934, 1940; Corcoran Gal biennials, 1930-53 (11 times); AIC, 1931-42; GGE, 1939 (prize); PMG, 1950s; Atea Ring Gal., Westport, NY, 1997 (solo)

Member: Am. Artists Congress; Fed. Mod. P&S (pres., 1953-55, 1955-57); Int. AA (U.S. delegate, 1954, 1957, 1960, 1963; liaison officer, 1859, 1960; vice-pres., 1960-61; pres., 1962-63; hon. pres., 1963-); World Academy of Art & Science (fellow); Nat. Council Arts & Govt. (vice-chmn., 1954-58; chmn., 1960-65; pres., 1961-65)

Work: Rochester Mem. Art Gal.; PMG; PAFA; PC; Yale Univ.; SFMA; Columbia Univ. Lib.; MoMA; CGA; Smithsonian Inst.; General Services Admin. Bldg.; Munson-Williams-Proctor Inst., Utica.; American Univ., Wash., DC; PA Hist. Soc.; NYU; Butler IA; Oakland AM; Syracuse Univ. AM; Fogg MA; WMAA; London War Mus.; Evansville (IN) Mus. Arts & Sciences.

Comments: Positions: art consultant in Europe for USIA, 1957; consultant, NY State Council on the Arts. Marlor gives place of death as New York City.

Sources: WW66; WW47; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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