biographie de June WAYNE (1918-2011)

Birth place: Chicago, IL

Addresses: NYC; Los Angeles, CA, permanently in 1946

Profession: Painter, lithographer, tapestry maker, jewelry designer, speaker, writer

Studied: self-taught as an artist; Calif. Inst. Tech., Pasadena (technical drawing); Lynton Kistler's workshops on fine printing; Paris in 1957 with Marcel Durassier

Exhibited: Chicago, 1935 (first solo at age 17); Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, 1936; PAFA Ann., 1951; Oversize Prints, WMAA, 1955, 1971; Bienal Am. Artes Graficas, Colombia, 1971; Biennale Epinal Int. Estampes, France, 1971 & 1973 (Prix du Biennale); Concert of Tapestry, Gallery Demeure, Paris, 1972; Peter Plone Associates, Los Angeles, CA; Golden Eagle, Cine, Academy Award nomination in 1974.

Member: NAWA; SAGA; Phila. Print Club; Los Angeles AA; Soc. Wash. PM

Work: Bibliothèque Nat., France; Bibliothèque Royale Bruxelles; MoMA; AIC; Nat. Coll. Fine Art, Smithsonian Inst., Wash., DC; Rosenwald Coll., Alverthorpe Gallery, Jenkintown, PA; LOC; Achenbach Found. Graphic Arts; Univ. Southern Calif.

Comments: WPA artist. Wayne designed jewelry in New York City, did production illustration in Los Angeles, radio script writing in Chicago, and was a lobbyist for the Artists' Union in Washington, DC. Positions: dir./founder, Tamarind Lithography Workshop; advisor, Tamarind Inst., Univ. New Mexico, 1960-; mem. bd. dir., Grunwald Graphic Arts Found., Univ. Calif., Los Angeles, 1965-; mem. exec. comt. & advisor to Chancellor, Arts Management Program, Graduate School Admin., 1969-; mem. overseers comt., School Visual & Environmental Arts, Harvard Univ., 1971-.

Sources: WW73; Baskett (author), The Art of June Wayne," Abrams, 1968; Pisano, One Hundred Years...the National Association of Women Artists, 84; "Modernism in California Printmaking," Nov. 1998, The Annex Galleries; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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