biographie de William THON (1906-2000)

Birth place: NYC

Addresses: Brooklyn, NY; Port Clyde, ME

Profession: Painter

Studied: ASL, 1924-25; Bates College (hon. D.F.A., 1957).

Exhibited: Salons of Am., 1934; Corcoran Gal. biennials, 1939-53 (7 times); VMFA, 1939-46; AIC, 1940-46; WMAA, 1941-58; PAFA Ann., 1941-66; Kansas City AI, 1942-46; Albright Art Gal., 1944-46; Pepsi-Cola Exh., 1944-46; BM, 1942 (prize), 1945 (prize); NAD, 1944 (prize), 1969 (Altman Prize); SC, 1942 (prize); Philadelphia WCC, 1968 (Dawson Medal); AWCS, 1970 (Gold Medal of Honor); Midtown Gal., NYC, 1970s.

Member: ANA; Salmagundi Club; Brooklyn Soc. Art; Brooklyn P&S; All. Artists Am.; NIAL; Am. Acad. Arts & Letters (fellow)

Work: Swope Art Gallery; MMA; Butler Inst. Am. Art; Munson-Williams-Proctor Inst., Utica, NY; CPLH; Bloomington (IL) AA; Farnsworth Gal., Rockland, ME

Comments: Positions: trustee, Am. Acad. in Rome.

Sources: WW73; WW47; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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