biographie de Samuel P. ZIEGLER (1882-1967)

Birth place: Lancaster, PA

Death place: Fort Worth, TX

Addresses: Fort Worth, TX

Profession: Painter, lithographer, etcher, teacher, graphic artist

Studied: PAFA, with Chase, Anshutz, Breckenridge; Texas Christian Univ. (B.A.; M.A.); traveled and studied in Europe, 1913

Exhibited: Dallas, 1924 (medal); SSAL, annually in regional & local exh., 1929 (prize); Cresson traveling scholarship, PAFA, 1912.

Member: AFA; AAPL; SSAL; Texas FAA; Ft. Worth AA; Ft. Worth City Art Comm. (1925-38).

Work: Carnegie Lib., Ft. Worth; Univ. Club; Texas Christian Univ.; Ft. Worth MA; Stirling & Polytechnic H.S., Ft. Worth

Comments: Teaching: Texas Christian Univ., 1919-50s.

Sources: WW47; WW59; P&H Samuels, 547.

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