biographie de Alfred KHOURI (?-1962)

Birth place: NYC

Addresses: Brooklyn 32, NY

Profession: Painter, lecturer, teacher

Studied: ASL; NAD; PIA Sch.; with Andre Lhote, Paris and with Jerry Farnsworth.

Exhibited: AWCS, 1955, 1958; All. A. Am., 1957, 1958; Norfolk Mus. A., 1957, 1958; P. & S. Soc. of New Jersey, 1957, 1958: Gibbes A. Gal., Charleston, S.C., 1957; Irene Leach Mem. Mus., 1954, 1956; VMFA, 1955; Norfolk Mus. A., 1957 (solo) Awards: Tiffany Fnd. Scholarship, 1937; George Roper purchase award, 1957.

Member: P. & S. Soc. of New Jersey; Tidewater A.

Work: Norfolk Mus. A.; Seton Hall Univ., Newark, NJ; Virginia Beach H.S., Va.

Comments: Position: color consultant, M. Grumbacher, Inc., NYC, 1957-.

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