Cubist Composition – Guitar (c.1914/15)

Lot N° 63028 - Infos pour enchérir



15 x 16 1/2 in 38 x 42 cm

Mise à prix: 55 413 € 60 000 $ 0,7117 ₿ 31,6651 ⧫ 46 359 £ 435 930 ¥ 221 443 ₪ (ILS) 599 808 KR (SEK) 52 934 CHF 85 887 $ CA (60 000 $ )
Estimation: 92 355 € 100 000 $ 1,1862 ₿ 52,7752 ⧫ 77 265 £ 726 550 ¥ 369 072 ₪ (ILS) 999 680 KR (SEK) 88 224 CHF 143 145 $ CA - 110 826 € 120 000 $ 1,4234 ₿ 63,3303 ⧫ 92 718 £ 871 860 ¥ 442 886 ₪ (ILS) 1 199 616 KR (SEK) 105 869 CHF 171 774 $ CA (100 000 $ - 120 000 $ )
Fine Israeli and International Art, Luxury Jewelry, and Jewish and Decorative Art
40 Tagor
69203 Ramat Aviv
signé bas droite
Provenance: Private collection, Skal family