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Weiss auf schwarz (White on black) (1930)

Lot N° 20



27 1/2 x 27 1/4 in 70 x 69,3 cm

Prix au marteau: 551 005 € 650 000 $ 166,9792 ₿ 2 251,9401 ⧫ 483 444 £ 4 314 063 ¥ 2 290 910 ₪ (ILS) 5 288 422 KR (SEK) 631 031 CHF 805 023 $ CA (650 000 $ )
Prix avec frais: 671 802 € 792 500 $ 203,5862 ₿ 2 745,6347 ⧫ 589 430 £ 5 259 838 ¥ 2 793 148 ₪ (ILS) 6 447 807 KR (SEK) 769 373 CHF 981 509 $ CA (792 500 $ )
Estimation: 678 160 € 800 000 $ 205,5129 ₿ 2 771,6186 ⧫ 595 008 £ 5 309 616 ¥ 2 819 582 ₪ (ILS) 6 508 828 KR (SEK) 776 654 CHF 990 798 $ CA - 1 017 240 € 1 200 000 $ 308,2693 ₿ 4 157,4279 ⧫ 892 512 £ 7 964 424 ¥ 4 229 373 ₪ (ILS) 9 763 241 KR (SEK) 1 164 981 CHF 1 486 197 $ CA (800 000 $ - 1 200 000 $ )
The Collection of Edward Albee
New York NY, États-Unis
Monog. Daté -30
Notes: Grohmann 378; Overy 59; Roethel 45
Provenance: Ida Bienert, Dresden (acquired from the artist through the Kandinsky Gesell. in 1931); Ph. Dotremont, Brussels; Marlborough Fine Art Ltd, London; Acquired from the above by 1974
Reproduit page 45 du catalogue