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Tiefes Braun《深褐色》 (1924)

Lot N° 48



32 3/4 x 28 5/8 in 83,3 x 72,7 cm

Prix au marteau: 19 944 900 € 20 000 000 $ 1 181,7841 ₿ 17 058,5308 ⧫ 17 576 100 £ 144 838 000 ¥ 70 978 618 ₪ (ILS) 217 065 706 KR (SEK) 19 685 950 CHF 26 957 593 $ CA (20 000 000 $ )
Prix avec frais: 23 225 836 € 23 290 000 $ 1 376,1876 ₿ 19 864,6591 ⧫ 20 467 368 £ 168 663 851 ¥ 82 654 600 ₪ (ILS) 252 773 014 KR (SEK) 22 924 289 CHF 31 392 117 $ CA (23 290 000 $ )
Estimation: 9 972 450 € 10 000 000 $ 590,892 ₿ 8 529,2654 ⧫ 8 788 050 £ 72 419 000 ¥ 35 489 309 ₪ (ILS) 108 532 853 KR (SEK) 9 842 975 CHF 13 478 797 $ CA - 14 958 675 € 15 000 000 $ 886,3381 ₿ 12 793,8981 ⧫ 13 182 075 £ 108 628 500 ¥ 53 233 963 ₪ (ILS) 162 799 279 KR (SEK) 14 764 463 CHF 20 218 195 $ CA (10 000 000 $ - 15 000 000 $ )
Visionary: The Paul G. Allen Collection Part I
New York NY, États-Unis
Monog. daté -24 bas gauche
Litérature: W. Grohmann 159; H.K. Roethel and J.K. Benjamin, II, 714
Provenance: Karl Nierendorf, New York (by 1937). The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (acquired from the estate of the above, 1948). Acquired from the above by the late owner, 7 March 2000.
Exposition: Cambridge, Busch-Reisinger Museum, Harvard University, Bauhaus Faculty, November-December 1966, p. 19. New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Kandinsky, Klee, Feininger: 3 Bauhaus Painters, 1970. Baden-Baden, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Wassily Kandinsky: Gemälde, 1900-1944, July-September 1970, no. 56 (illustrated in color). New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, Vasily Kandinsky, 1972 (illustrated). Munich, Haus der Kunst, Wassily Kandinsky, November 1976-January 1977, p. 82, no. 63 (illustrated, p. 87). New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of Art, Concentrations I: Nine Modern Masters from The Guggenheim Museum and Thannhauser Collections, 1974. Venice, Palazzo Grassi, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Thannhauser Collection: From Van Gogh to Picasso, From Kandinsky to Pollock, Masterpieces of Modern Art, 1990, p. 248, no. 64 (illustrated in color, p. 249). Montreal, Museum of Fine Arts, Masterpieces from The Guggenheim, February-April 1992, p. 188, no. 66 (illustrated in color). Seattle, Pivot Art + Culture, Color & Pattern, April-July 2017.